Motorspindles for stone processing - All informationen

HS Drive TeC offers you a wide range of motor spindles for stone processing.
A selection of these motor spindles can be found here:

DescriptionOuter Dimension (mm)Tool HolderBuilt-In MotorPower (kW)Torque (Nm)Speed (RPM)
MG-2 9/6 15 I40240 x 200ISO 40Synchronous9,014,915.000
MG-2 13.5/6 15 I40240 x 200ISO 40Asynchronous13,622,615.000
MG-2 17/5.2 15 I40240 x 200ISO 40Synchronous17,031,015.000
MG-2 30/7.5 12 I40240 x 200ISO 40Asynchronous30,039,012.000

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HS Drive TeC GmbH & Co. KG
Tichelbrink 68
D-32584 Löhne

T +49 5731 49584-0